3 useful websites for developers, free online

https://linuxsurvival.com/linux-more-command/ Free interactive online Linux tutorial https://learngitbranching.js.org/ Visual and interactive way to learn Git https://visualgo.net/en Visualize data structure and algorithms  

Şahadatnama bilen Huawei-den mugt onlaýn kurslar

Dünýäniň öňdebaryjy tehnologiýa kompaniýalarynyň biri bolan Huawei 100-den gowrak onlaýn kurs hödürleýär. Kurslar iňlis we hytaý dillerinde bar bolan ähli daşary ýurtly talyplar üçin mugt. Huawei, 5G, IoT,…

Digital Marketing Free Online Course 2022-23

Benefits : Help you understand the importance of digital marketing. Changes in the digital platform. Moreover, create creative and impactful strategies. Learn to create and use consumer identity.…
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