The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is the Tokyo-based think tank of the Asian Development Bank. ADBI provides demand-driven policy research, capacity building and training, and outreach to help developing countries in Asia and the Pacific practically address sustainability challenges, accelerate socioeconomic change, and realize more robust, inclusive, and sustainable growth.
- Tuition-free training courses in Asia Pacific development
- Access to lectures from leading experts on key development topics
- Training certificates issued by ADBI for completed courses
- Build your qualifications for Asia Pacific development jobs and promotion opportunities
- Manage your course completion progress with personalized user accounts
- Circular Economy: Increasing Resource Efficiency and Designing Out Waste
- Inclusive Digital Economies and Gender Equality Playbook
- Demographic Transition and its Impacts on Fiscal Sustainability in East and Southeast Asia
- Sustainable and Quality Infrastructure Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Role of Central Banks and Financial Supervisory Authorities in Governing Sustainable Finance
- Climate Change and Sovereign Risk
- Governing Sustainable Finance
- Demographic Transition and its Impacts
- Green Investments: Renewable Energy
- Energy Economics, Environment, and Policy
- Leveraging Services for Development: Prospects and Policies
- Fostering Growth and Inclusion in Asia’s Cities
- Introduction to Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific
- Financial Globalization, Capital Flows, and the Global Financial Cycle
- Financial Integration in Southeast Asia
- Advancing the Digital Economy for Sustainable Growth in Asia
- Financial Inclusion: Evolution and Contemporary Challenges
- Achieving Sustainable Development Goals on Water and Sanitation
- Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, and Financial Education in Asia
- Private Financing for Infrastructure and Sustainable Growth
Deadline: you can enroll any time
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