
Online Russian Competition “Class!” 2024-2025

The "Class!" competition is an opportunity for students in grades 8-11, as well as homeschooled children, to demonstrate their creative abilities and contribute to Russian and world literature.…

Design and Engineering Contest – Create the Future

Create the Future was first launched in 2002. The goal of the competition is to stimulate and encourage innovation in the field of engineering. Each year more than…

International Essay Contest for Young People 2022

International Essay Competition for Young People is an annual essay competition that has been organised to engage the minds of creative, energetic and motivated young people to tackle…

Peter Drucker Challenge essay competition 2023

The essay competition is organised for students and professionals aged 18 - 35 by Peter Drucker Society Europe. General requirements You must be 18-35 years old (inclusive of…

WTO essay competition for young economists

WTO encourages young economists to present their work for the WTO Essay Prize 2023. The prize aims to promote high-quality research in trade policy and international trade cooperation,…

GSCP Prize for Innovation in Global Security

The GCSP Geneva Centre for Security Policy established an international prize for projects in the field of global security. The competition is open to everyone. Candidates are invited…
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