
GSCP Prize for Innovation in Global Security

GSCP Prize for Innovation in Global Security
Language English
Deadline 2022-09-22

The GCSP Geneva Centre for Security Policy established an international prize for projects in the field of global security.

The competition is open to everyone.

Candidates are invited to submit projects that demonstrate an innovative approach to international security issues.

A broad range of projects could qualify for consideration, including, but not limited to, technological and conceptual innovations, original research, or grassroots initiatives.

Projects should transcend national boundaries and seek to solve global security problems in innovative ways or with new ideas.

Applications in English are submitted through the website: https://www.cognitoforms.com/GenevaCentreForSecurityPolicy/_2022gcspprizeforinnovationinglobalsecurity

Rules and regulations: https://dam.gcsp.ch/files/misc/2022-gcsp-innovation-prize-rules-and-regulations?_gl=1*1nz95pq*_ga*MTA5ODM5NzI5My4xNjU4MjM0MTAx*_ga_Z66DSTVXTJ*MTY1OTY0NTQ0MC4yLjAuMTY1OTY0NTQ0MC4w

The deadline for applications is 22 September 2022 at 18:00 UTC+2.

Source: https://www.gcsp.ch/events/apply-2022-gcsp-prize-innovation-global-security