
President of Turkmenistan signed an Order on Recognition of Educational Documents issued in the European Region

President of Turkmenistan signed an Order on Recognition of Educational Documents issued in the European Region

The President Serdar Berdymuhamedov signed an Executive Order aimed at improving the recognition of documents of higher and secondary vocational education in Turkmenistan issued in foreign countries, as well as the fulfillment of obligations arising from the Convention on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications in Higher Education in the European Region.

The document defined the Innovation and Information Center of the Ministry of Education as the institution authorized to carry out the functions of the national information centers specified in the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region.

Turkmenistan joined the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region in November 2022. It was adopted on 11 April 1997 in Lisbon and is an international convention of the Council of Europe, developed jointly with UNESCO.

The Convention is the primary legal agreement on the evaluation of credentials in Europe.

The convention states that degrees and periods of study should be recognized unless the institution charged with recognition can prove substantial differences. Students and graduates are guaranteed fair procedures under the convention.

Source: https://turkmenportal.com/blog/59806/glava-turkmenistana-podpisal-rasporyazhenie-o-priznanii-obrazovatelnyh-dokumentov-v-evropeiskom-regione