Government-funded basis studies at Saint-Petersburg State University (BA)

For admission to Saint Petersburg State University in 2025 for studies funded by federal budget allocations, an open international olympiad of Saint Petersburg State University for foreign school students is being held within the quota framework. The olympiad is conducted to identify and support talented foreign school students for their admission to Saint Petersburg State University in 2025 for studies in basic bachelor’s and specialist’s educational programs funded by budget allocations.
The Olympiad is held in the following subjects:
1.3.1. mathematics and computer science (in Russian );
1.3.2. mathematics and mechanics (in Russian );
1.3.3. applied mathematics and control processes (in Russian);
1.3.4. physics (in Russian);
1.3.5. chemistry (in Russian);
1.3.6. earth sciences (in Russian);
1.3.7. biology (in Russian);
1.3.8. medicine (in Russian);
1.3.9. medicine (in English);
1.3.10. dentistry (in Russian);
1.3.11. dentistry (in English);
.3.12. nursing (in Russian);
1.3.13. nursing (in English);
1.3.14. pharmacy (in Russian);
1.3.15. psychology (in Russian);
1.3.16. economics (in Russian);
1.3.17. management (in Russian);
1.3.18. management (in English)
1.3.19. sociology (in Russian);
1.3.20. law (in Russian);
1.3.21. political science (in Russian);
1.3.22. international relations (in Russian);
1.3.23. journalism and mass communication (in Russian);
1.3.24. linguistics and literature (in Russian);
1.3.25. linguistics and literature (in English);
1.3.26. history (in Russian);
1.3.27. philosophy (in Russian);
1.3.28. theology (in Russian);
1.3.29. physical education (in Russian);
1.3.30. arts and humanities (in Russian);
1.3.31. graphic design (in Russian);
1.3.32. environmental design (in Russian);
1.3.33. restoration (in Russian);
1.3.34. painting (in Russian);
1.3.35. graphics (in Russian);
1.3.36. arts and crafts (in Russian);
1.3.37. academic singing (in Russian);
1.3.38. acting (in Russian);
1.3.39. instrumental performance on the organ, harpsichord, carillon (in Russian);
1.3.40. instrumental violin performance (in Russian);
1.3.41. Eastern Studies and African Studies (in Russian);
1.3.42. Engineering (in Russian).
The list of required documents
- an application for admission to an educational programme of the appropriate level in the format established by the Admissions Committee (filled in upon registration for the Personal Account) a participant can apply for no more than 3 (three) subjects
- Consentof the Candidate to Personal Data Processing, Transmission and Storage
- an application form for admission within the quota(filled in block letters and provided with a colour photo)
- a copy of your identity document. Please note that the applicant’s passport should be valid for at least 18 months after the beginning of the planned study period.
- a medical certificate confirming the absence of medical contraindications against studying in the Russian Federation as well as the absence of all types of hepatitis and tuberculosis
- a medical certificate on the absence of the HIV virus and AIDS
- certificates confirming the undertaking of medical examinations (with participation in Olympiads in the subjects of General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Nursing)
- educational credential and supplements prepared according to the rules
- photo 3×4 cm
- documents for Olympic competitions
How to submit your documents for participation
- Register for a Personal Account through the SPbU Admissions Committee website
- Fill in, print and sign your application for participation in the Olympiad to one or several (no more than three) Olympiad subjects
- Submit your signed application and the supporting documents electronically through your Personal Account
Application deadlines for the Olympiads 2024/25 — from 21 November 2024 to 19 February 2025.
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